Cloud Transformation

What is Cloud Transformation
For organizations looking to optimize Infrastructure costs or build an environment that fosters innovation, Cloud is the go-to mantra.
Cloud offers organizations greater agility to experiment & innovate, enables disruption of archaic methods & conventional thinking and provides access to a marketplace of the latest technologies & services to choose from.
We help organizations in laying out a roadmap for phased Lift-&-Shift migration, Application Refactoring, and Rebuild or Repurpose of on-premise data-centric systems & applications on the cloud.
Benefits of Cloud Transformation
- Business Agility: Minimizes infrastructure procurement lead times significantly
- Drives Innovation: Opens doors to latest and best-of-breed software & platforms to build innovative solutions
- Cost Optimisation: Flexible pricing option such as on-demand and spot-pricing, so that customers pay only for when they use

Why Datalogy?

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