IT Strategy and Architecture Road map

Application Modernization
Obtain professional advise and guidance in defining your strategy for an intelligent enterprise, devising your IT strategy, and designing your enterprise architecture.
This will enable the smooth execution of your digital strategy and provide support for implementing best practice business processes.
Why Datalogy?

Digital Transformation

Expert Skillsets

Industry Domain Expertise

Timely & Quality Delivery

Solution Accelerators

Data-Driven Superlative Customer Experience
Consumers are increasingly seeking seamless digital experiences, particularly given that many of our daily needs can be addressed with a single click. As a result, many individuals have become accustomed to using digital, from purchasing goods online to making payments using banking apps. However, when it comes to buying insurance,

Top 9 Ways AI Is Transforming the Retail Industry
With large-scale digitalisation, it’s safe to say that AI is becoming an indispensable part of our everyday life. A prominent example of the same could be, recommendations. If you are into buying e-books on Amazon, you’ll notice you get suggestions based on your recent purchases or you might’ve noticed how

6 Steps that are Key to Data Preparation in Machine Learning
Typically, raw data cannot be used directly in predictive modelling projects like classification or regression. For algorithms to function, data must be in numbers, and statistical noise and errors must be corrected, while some algorithms impose requirements on data. Raw data, clearly, is prohibited by all means. As a result,